Often, remodeling an old home resembles a good mystery plot. This early 1900s home was no exception. Charged with readjusting the clunky layout for modern, multi-functional sensibilities, we reworked the guts of this Capitol Hill home with strange discoveries addling us at every turn. Clever built-in storage solutions, a walk-in steam shower, and an elegant, fluid layout now exude a luxuriant, mod feeling, perfect for the couple’s urban lifestyle. Nothing satisfies a remodeler more than a challenge resolved into a solution that feels good, looks great, and revives a cherished, historic space for another lifetime. Preserved in this home are not just memories of this city's past, but the spirit of our calling, some of our company's finest hours, and the dedication and craft of a talented team.
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Meet the Builder
Ben Gebhardt
At Blue Sound Construction, we dedicate ourselves to a systems-based approach, technical expertise, and intelligent craft. Building presents many challenges that require skill and foresight and we recognize it can take a lifetime to master the trade.
To honor construction’s longstanding tradition of apprenticeship, our project managers are the sort who have over 30 years’ experience as master framers, stairbuilders, and supervisors, and our field staff are those devoted to following in their footsteps. Add in our zest for hospitality and culture of respect and what could make for a stressful experience instead becomes a meaningful, creative process for all parties. Our enduring, elegant works—undergirded by good design in a beautiful urban setting—are crafted for the enjoyment of generations to come.